The Ryder & Solheim Cups campaign included 83 social assets for use externally and internally at Sky as well as the DCO and Email for the campaign across the UK and Ireland.
August – September 2023
As well as larger campaign work I also worked across multiple miscellaneous Digital Assets, mainly social statics but sometimes retail work and even a piece of web design for an internal site.
May 2023 – April 2024

The Festive Football campaign tasked me with creating the social posts to promote football games on Sky Sports over the festive period, allowing for some creative freedom for me to mould the existing creative to fit this theme.
November – December 2023

Press Ads & Direct Mail

Press Ads & Direct Mail were also a large part of the team’s remit and was great to work on even more formats depending on what specific side of Print was needed.
October 2023 – February 2024

My animation work at Sky was almost entirely for social formats as well as some DCO work and allowed me to step into the field of animation for the first time.
December 2023 – February 2024